The Vision
To see the potential in business leaders throughout Australia being activated and released through innovative kingdom businesses and marketplace faith-based small groups being pioneered and established.
The Mission
TRAIN UP Facilitators Business Coaches + Mentors Workplace Chaplains
The Team

Jason Smith is an entrepreneur, speaker and author. He founded the Back In Motion Health Group and grew it to 140 locations which he recently sold to ASX-listed allied health company Healthia.
Jason sits on multiple corporate and NFP boards, and consults widely on leadership, strategy, and governance.

John is a successful entrepreneur who established Halftime Australia, F4T, Business With A Purpose and the Significance Leadership Institute.

Jossy is the Founder of Empart, a global ministry that exists to ignite holistic community transformation in Asia. Jossy speaks around the world inspiring and challenging leaders.

Lisa is an internationally awarded speaker and high performance expert who sits on the board of Sports Chaplaincy Australia.

Edwin is a Chartered Accountant and leads a corporate finance boutique firm advising on mergers & acquisition, capital raising, and providing senior/ CFO-level finance support to start-ups.
He has also lived across three continents in Malaysia, UK and now Australia and brings valuable cross-cultural perspective.

Glenn has a PhD in international Leadership and is the founder and Chief Executive of LCP Global, an innovative coaching organisation.
“The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field. Go! I am sending you… Luke 10 : 2-3