Activating and releasing the next generation of marketplace leaders and entrepreneurs into Kingdom activities.
It will take all of us working together to bring about the spiritual and social transformation that Australia needs. Will you consider praying, investing and engaging in this faith venture?

Halftime Australia is a Global Partner of the Halftime Institute which is a Christian Not for Profit located in Dallas Texas.
Halftime is about helping business and community leaders to find their life purpose and Ephesians 2:10 calling to become proactive in positively impacting the marketplace, communities and at home.
It’s about leveraging your business influence and resources to proactively transform peoples lives and leave a lasting legacy.
- Participate in a Virtual or real live Roundtable, to develop a Roadmap for Your Life (groups of 8-10)
- Come on a JUST5 tour - to North India - developing Your Leadership Footprint (COVID/Travel restrictions permitting)
- Engage a certified Halftime Coach - for One-On-One Coaching - Focus on Business, Family & Faith

Business With A Purpose is a 12 month virtual small group coaching program which taps into the business expertise provided by Peter Irvine (ex part owner of Gloria Jean Coffee) and John Sikkema (entrepreneur, who built Garrisons – an Australia wide Financial planning and Funds Management group). Jordan Mullen brings valuable advice in the digital marketing and sales area plus a strong focus on the new economy. The participants are encouraged to develop a Kingdom vision for their business. The program focuses on practical tips and utilises 12 training modules which centre around how to rapidly grow their businesses.
Business With A Purpose is a joint venture between Halftime Australia and Thrive Digital which is managed by Jordan Mullen.

Food4Thought is about business executives meeting regularly over food, be it in a home, board or meeting room. The focus is on creating community and networking opportunities with like minded people. There will be guest speakers to help you with your business and importantly each time there will be faith component where the Nicky Gumbel Alpha videos will be used to explore the meaning and purpose of life. It appeals to people who are busy, even lonely and perhaps finding it difficult to fit into a church, or who have yet to discover faith in Jesus.
Groups are being set up Around Australia.
- Join a group and invite your friends or colleagues
- Consider becoming a facilitator in your business or home - utilising the comprehensive training and coaching support that the SLI/F4T have available
Invest In...
Creating an efficient and effective back-end office is important for managing growth, digital campaigns, and relationships where people feel connected to a thriving marketplace movement.
Because partnership is core to our efforts, we are able to steward our resources as a strategic content aggregator and creator to impact apostolic leaders in the marketplace.
An effective discipleship and training model has the potential to scale a movement that releases marketplace leaders as agents of spiritual and social transformation.
A comprehensive digital strategy will be leveraged to target diverse leaders—including emerging ones —and empower them to be part of a relevant marketplace ministry tailored to their needs and gifts.
Growing a movement requires a strategic leadership team who have the expertise and capacity to “get the job done!”
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